School of Global Policy and Strategy
About Us
The UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy is poised on the edge of the Pacific — and at the intersection of the U.S. and Mexico. Our Center for U.S.–Mexican Studies has been a leading source of rigorous binational academic research on Mexico and U.S.–Mexican relations since 1979, informing the creation, implementation, and evaluation of public policy and improving cross-border cooperation.
Collaborative Projects with Mexico
At the School of Global Policy and Strategy, we are committed to pursuing unconventional solutions to some of our world’s most pressing issues.
U.S.–Mexico Security Cooperation Taskforce
Experts from the U.S. and Mexico are working together on the U.S.–Mexico Security Cooperation Taskforce to provide guidance on U.S.–Mexico bilateral cooperation on security matters for the next six years, and offer concrete and applicable policy recommendations for the current state of U.S.–Mexican relations.
Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land, and Energy Project (FABLE)
The School of Global Policy and Strategy coordinates the United Nations’ Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land, and Energy Project (FABLE) Mexico team to develop a framework for managing trade-offs and synergies in land use that help Mexico meet the national demand for food while maintaining biodiversity, improving conservation, and reducing deforestation.
Learn more HERE
Mexican Migration Field Research Program
The Mexican Migration Field Research Program is a year-long course that allows binational teams of undergraduate and graduate students to conduct fieldwork and research on international migration.
Learn more HERE